Calibration Services – On-Site

Choosing our on-site calibration service ensures a traceable calibration of our instruments with maximum convenience and minimal disruption to your production facility. Our trained on-site calibration team delivers the same exemplary quality and accuracy that our in-house calibrations offer.
Benefits of our High-Quality On-Site Services:
- Reduced downtime
- No risk of lost or delayed shipments
- Eliminated shipping cost and delays
- Verification of all standards used after each project to ensure accurate calibrations
An NAB-MALTA Accredited Temperature Calibration in range of -90°C to 650°C ( with Uncertainty from 0.06°C)
To view the Schedule of Accreditation issued by NAB-MALTA, please click here
Scope of Accreditation
- Temperature Controllers
- Drywell Calibration
- Metal Block Calibration
- Liquid Bath Calibration
- Gauges
- Indicators
- Chart Recorders
- Transmitters
- PT100 , PRT
- Thermistors
- Thermocouples
- Thermometers
- Wireless Data Loggers
- Chambers
- Cold Rooms
- Freezers
- Refrigerators
- Stability Rooms
- Incubators
- Ovens
- Autoclaves
- Temperature Meter by electrical simulation ( Resistance and Thermocouple Simulation)
An NAB-MALTA Accredited Hygrometry Calibration in the range of 5 to 95%RH for any temperature from 0°C to 60°C (with Uncertainty from 0.15%RH)
To view the Schedule of Accreditation issued by NAB-MALTA, please click here
Scope of Accreditation
- Humidity Controllers
- Indicators
- Recorders
- Relative Humidity Sensors
- Wireless Data Loggers
- Chambers
Pressure Calibration
In the range of -0.1 to 100MPa (with Uncertainty of 0.08KPa)
Low Pressure Range of -1000 Pa to 1000Pa(with Uncertainty of 1.3Pa)
- Pressure Controllers
- Pressure Gauges
- Vacuum Gauges
- Electronic Indicators
- Transmitters, Transducers
- Recorders
- Wireless Data Loggers
CALAB can offer other measurement type calibration traceable to National Standards – Electrical Calibration , Frequency Calibration , Tachometer Calibration, Mass Calibration , Air-Flow , Conductivity Calibration and more.
For further information contact us on calab@ramsmalta.com